Anyway, we have been busy! On Saturday our surrogate grandparents invited Meg to a Gingerbread House Decorating morning at their church which was great fun. Some of the older ladies were in seriously competitive mode with very professional looking houses, while Meg's looks rather more 'age-appropriate', shall we say.
Jonathan then remembered the Ninjabread men and decided that he wanted to make a load of them to sell at the Yr 6 Leaver's Fete.
He also asked Joseph to whip up a batch of his fantastic gingerbread muffins (from Susan Reimer's Muffin book) that he is now becoming very proficient at.
We had a busy evening last night and the house smelt delicious.
I managed to find a little Gingerbread House kit so I have promised them that in the first week of the holidays they can make, and decorate, a house each.
I managed to whip up a couple of these little mug cosies for Christmas presents and posted a pic on facebook, a Lovely Lady then 'shared' my pic which was seen by some of her friends, which resulted in some orders!
And now I'm off for a cup of tea and one of Joseph's muffins to gear myself up - yum!